Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, alleluia! Let all creation praise and exult in the wonders of this holy solemnity! Death begets life, darkness begets light, evil begets goodness, despair is turned to hope, the impossible becomes possible, and sorrow is turned to joy. Let us indeed be Easter people praising Christ in the great paschal mystery of his total self-giving love that we may have life, Life to the full in Him and with one another.
The Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery
pray for Christ’s choicest blessings
upon you and yours during this joyous season.
The following is a poem written by Marce Wood who was a lay associate at our Monastery. She also is an artist and her picture bespeaks the Resurrection of Christ.
Prisma Color Pencil on Paper by Marce Wood
© Copyright Marce Wood 2012
Poem and art used with permission from the artist.