Open House at St. Scholastica Monastery

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Open House at St. Scholastica Monastery

Open House St. Scholastica Monastery

On the bright, sunny, warm Sunday of October 11, 2015, St. Scholastica Monastery in Duluth hosted an Open House-Reception for its many friends and benefactors in the nearby tristate area. An estimated 175 guests filled Rockhurst Dining room. They came to meet the Benedictine Sisters’ newly elected prioress, Sister Beverly Raway, and to greet and commingle with the other Sisters and guests.

Prioress Sister Beverly introduces her new administrative staff

At 3:00 p.m. everyone paused their conversations to listen to Sister Beverly welcome everyone for the first time in her role of prioress.  She also introduced her new administrative staff:  Sister Beverly Horn, the sub prioress; Sister Claudia Cherro, her administrative assistant; and Sister Helen Giesen, who for lack of a proper title has claimed the honorific of sub-sub prioress. Other staff members who remain in their posts are Sister Danile Lynch, treasurer, and Sister Renata Liegey, hospitality coordinator.

Refreshments at the buffet tableAfter a prayer of thanksgiving and blessing by Sister Beverly, the conversations and enjoyment of the buffet table resumed for some, while others took advantage of the opportunity to take the walking tour. They were invited to visit Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel, to study the Monastery’s History Boards, to see the Twinning Display of articles and photos from our African and Chilean sister monasteries, and to stop in the Books and Gift Shop among other places.  Two carts of jams of many kinds grown and/or canned by Sister Therese Spinler and Sister Pauline Micke was a favorite stopping place. A few guests walked down to Gethsemane Cemetery to visit the graves of deceased Sisters known to them in times past.





The weather stayed beautiful, the guests and hostesses engaged in cheerful conversation, and laughter sang out like bird song.  We thank all who came to visit and helped make it such a splendid time!

Right: Sister Maria Volk, standing, welcoming two guests.





Posted in Happenings

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–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict