Some of us had the privilege of hearing Kathleen Norris speak two different times on Thursday, September l6th. She was the closing speaker at the Benedictine Health System Leadership Conference ,and that evening she joined our Community for Prayers, the evening meal, and then a talk. Kathleen Norris is the bestselling author of Dakota, The Cloister Walk, Amazing Grace and most recently, Acedia and Me. She is a woman of profound insights. Her writing has been influenced by being a Benedictine Oblate, as well as living, praying, and studying at Benedictine Communities. She talked of darkness being essential for the spiritual journey. Darkness is mysterious, deep, and uncertain – but it is a place where God speaks. However, sometimes we can become so preoccupied with the dark, that we miss the sun and the rainbows. Our task is to find the light in the darkness. We are called to be people of faith. She read some of her poetry and shared some of the writings of her favorite poets. She was open to questions and comments. It was a time of richness and insight.