It seems that I am never satisfied. Things either happen too soon (snow in early October) or not soon enough (a Vikings championship). I can be selfish and extremely short-sighted in my thinking. I see things from my point of view and think about what I want, when I want it, and how I want it.
Very rarely, all too rarely, do I consider things from God’s point of view or think about too soon or not soon enough in terms of eternity. Again and again, I need to remember that God’s time is perfect. God’s time is never early and never late. When considering eternity, I need to remember that when applied to God, eternity does not mean a long, long time. It means God is outside of time altogether. I must remember that my job is not to keep a timecard on God’s actions, but to live in gratitude for all God’s gifts. God causes things to happen at exactly the right time,
Now, with all of that said, I would like to ask God to wait with the big snows until closer to Christmas and bring that Vikings Super Bowl sooner than later!