St. James School Students Visit

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St. James School Students Visit

Laughter, learning, and listening blessed Sisters and students as they shared the gift of hospitality. 

Behind the Scenes of a Puppet Show
Behind the Scenes of a Puppet Show
On Friday, January 14, the 4th and 5th grade classes of St. James School in Duluth were our guests at the Monastery.  These guests began their visit by sharing their puppet show production of the life of Johann Sebastian Bach.
Hand puppets
Sister Dorene, the students' music teacher, and some young puppeteers.
Following the puppet show the students were given a tour, attended our Eucharistic Mass, and had lunch with the Sisters.  Each student, thirty-three in all, had the opportunity to eat lunch with a Sister. 
The tour began with the Mother of Compassion icon written by +Sister Mary Charles McGough.

According to their comments, the Sisters and students were delighted and grateful for this encounter.

Students Lunched with Sisters
Two students get to know Sister Jean Maher (far right) and Sister Agnes Fleck.
Posted in Happenings

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