Parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, friends, the young and the less young – we all gathered December 11th for an enjoyable evening at St. James Catholic Church in Duluth for the annual St. James School Christmas Program.
After a brief welcome by Principal Van Loh and a prayer by Father Jim Bissonette, the program began with the Preschool and Kindergarten children processing from the back of the church toward the altar to an instrumental rendition of “Joy to the World” – calling us to be joyful in Christ’s coming. When all had settled in the front of the church, the children regaled us with three familiar tunes: “Children Run Joyfully,” “Away in a Manger,” and “Advent Song” (Advent-themed words sung to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”), led by Sister Dorene King.
Their excitement was infectious, the expressions on their faces truly picture-worthy! After a brief musical Interlude, we listened as the First and Second Grade students sang “Joy to the World” and “Drummer Boy” (the latter of which was accompanied by drums and finger cymbals!). And as if the evening couldn’t get any more delightful, we heard selections from Christmas Messiah for Young Voices, including “And the Glory of the Lord,” “For Unto Us a Child Is Born,” and “Glory to God” sung by Third through Eighth Graders, directed by Mrs. Jenna Mattson.
The children sang beautifully some very difficult music – an impressive feat for young voices. But of course, our children saved the best for last: the “Hallelujah Chorus” sung by First through Eighth Grade students. What a wonderful ending to an enjoyable evening of music. And what a splendid way to give glory to the God who loves us so much that He sent His only Son to be born in our world! Come, Lord Jesus, come!