Spiritual Pilgrims

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Spiritual Pilgrims

We are all spiritual pilgrims, but the twenty-nine participants in the Shalom Spiritual Direction Training Program became more aware of the reality of that call as they read the book Spiritual Pilgrims by Father Jack Welch, Carmelite priest from Chicago. The group was privileged to have Father Jack as presenter to the group on Saturday, November 5.  He also happens to be the cousin of Sister Jean Maher, OSB, of the Shalom team!

Shalom Team
Left: Sister Jeanne Ann Weber OSB, Pastor Al Hendrickson, Sister Michelle Dosch OSB, Father Jack Welch, Sister Jean Maher OSB.
Spiritual Pilgrims is a book about the spiritual journey using Teresa of Avila and Carl Jung as guides.  Teresa’s book Interior Castle is a classic on prayer.  She also reminds her readers of the importance of self-knowledge.  Jung’s depth psychology helps us on this journey through his understanding of the individuation process.  Both wrote on interiority and becoming transformed.  We are one person – body, mind, and spirit  – and can grow through the insights of both of these guides.
Shalom Program in Session
Shalom Spiritual Direction Training Program during a Session




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“And let them first pray together, that so they may associate in peace.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict