Many members of The College of St. Scholastica faculty and staff were honored at the luncheon held on Wednesday, May 11, 2011. Those with 5, 10, 20, or 25 years were honored.The star of the annual awards in terms of length of service went to Sister Monica Laughlin who has been a part of the Music Department for 65 years. The extended standing ovation given to her reflected the love and esteem in which she is held by the College community. Dr. Mary Tanner, the only person to receive a 40-year award this year, had once been a student in a class taught by Sister Monica.Dr. Penny Schwarze of the Music Department thinks of Sister Monica as a golden thread, still humming and connecting her department with the history of the College. Penny said, “She’s just the heart and soul fo the Department” and went on to describe Sister Monica as “the living history, . . . our heart.”Other Sisters receiving awards were: Sister Mary Josephine Torborg for 25 years of service, Sister Clare Marie Trettel for 15 years, and Sister Mary Rochefort for 10 years.