Sister Lisa Maurer – The Psalms are Awesome

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Sister Lisa Maurer – The Psalms are Awesome

The Psalms are awesome!  I think they are awesome!  I am amazed at how they fit every time and situation, everybody and season.  They are universal and yet personal.  They are ancient and timeless, yet fresh and ever new.How can that be?

Books in the pews

I was made fully aware of this back in 2001 on 9/11.  I was teaching fifth grade on that day and in the afternoon amid all the fear, sorrow, uncertainty, and panic my class gathered to pray.  First we prayed the Rosary, then with no words of our own we read through the Psalms.  To my amazement and that of my students we found in the Psalms words to pray, words to express our deepest feelings and unutterable prayers.  In wonderment we pondered how words written thousands of years ago could resonate when planes are being hijacked and skyscrapers were falling.How can that be?Recently I was reminded on the awesomeness of the Psalms as we moved into Advent.  Even though we Sisters pray from the same prayer books day after day, week after week, season after season, I was struck how perfectly the Psalms fit Advent – the same Psalms that I felt fit perfectly into Lent only months ago.How can that be?That can be because . . . .                                             THE PSALMS ARE AWESOME! 

Sister Lisa Maurer  

Sister Lisa Maurer

Sister Lisa Maurer was born and raised in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, before entering the Monastery, Sister Lisa taught and coached in Catholic Schools within the New Ulm Diocese. Sister Lisa made her first Monastic Profession in August 2009. She currently ministers at the parishes of St. Lawrence and St. Joseph in Duluth.See all of Sister Lisa’s posts.


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“Before all, and above all, attention shall be paid to the care of the sick, so that they shall be served as if they were Christ Himself.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict