Sister Lisa Maurer – ANOTHER FIRST

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Sister Lisa Maurer – ANOTHER FIRST

Sister Lisa Maurer (right) after her First Profession,with Sister Lois Eckes, Prioress
Since entering St. Scholastica Monastery in 2007, I have had countless new experiences and have been exposed to the Monastic Practices.  I have learned about sacred reading, liturgical prayer, work, silence, asceticism, and many other things.  I vividly remember my first turn as solo at Midday Prayer as well my inaugural stint at leading Evening Prayer.  I can remember the first time I was away from the Monastery and “came back home.”  Being called “Sister Lisa” for the first time is forever in my memory.   I also recall my first Community Retreat, and I recollect the first time I experienced the death of one of my Sisters. There are lots of firsts when beginning Monastic Life. This past week I experienced another first…the Discernment and Election of a Prioress.  As a Junior Sister (one who has made First Profession but has not yet made her Perpetual Profession), I was not directly involved with the meetings, discussions, and voting.  My main role in the Election, as one of several in Initial Formation, was to pray for the Community that they would be bestowed with the graces of discernment and the blessings of the Holy Spirit.I found this time to be very foundational and grace-filled.  It gave me an opportunity to put into practiced all that I have learned about life as a Monastic.  I have read much, written much, and discussed much about what we profess – stability, fidelity to the monastic life, and obedience.  Being still and silent in these last days, when others were voting on the future of our community—of my community—I had the opportunity to reflect upon my three-fold commitment.  I was able to pray about and discern more deeply what stability, conversatio, and obedience mean to me and how I am called to truly live what I profess. My heart was filled with joy when it was announced that Sister Lois Eckes was re-elected as Prioress.  She was the Prioress who welcomed me, on behalf of the Community, to the Monastery four years ago, and I look forward to continuing to learn from her and the whole Community as I seek God and journey toward my Perpetual Monastic Profession.Click here to read the news article on the re-election of the prioress.  

Sister Lisa Maurer  

Sister Lisa Maurer

Sister Lisa Maurer was born and raised in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, before entering the Monastery, Sister Lisa taught and coached in Catholic Schools within the New Ulm Diocese. Sister Lisa made her first Monastic Profession in August 2009. She currently ministers at the parishes of St. Lawrence and St. Joseph in Duluth.See all of Sister Lisa’s posts.


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“Listen carefully, my child, to your master's precepts, and incline the ear of your heart. Receive willingly and carry out effectively your loving father's advice, that by the labor of obedience you may return to Him from whom you had departed by the sloth of disobedience.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict