Benedictine Sister Josine Krausnick, who spent 45 years teaching at St. Thomas the Apostle School before retiring June 7, required one last thing of students and any Catholic who attended Mass the final day of school.
“I am an incurable teacher. Therefore, I’m going to leave you with a homework assignment. Listen up because it’s a lifetime assignment,” Sr. Josine told a church full of students, teachers and students.
“Your assignment is to go about in your life doing good. The second thing… happened at the marriage feast at Cana when they ran out of wine. There’s something that Mary said to the servants that she also says to us: ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ That’s it,” Sr. Josine said.
Read the entire article about Sister Josine’s retirement written by Ambria Hammel and published in The Catholic Sun of June 14