Sister Jeanne Ann Weber – I Recognized Him on My Sabbath Walk

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Sister Jeanne Ann Weber – I Recognized Him on My Sabbath Walk

Bright Yellow FlowersI say Him in the red and yellow flowers, tree buds breaking open, and a deep posing for me, the majestic sight of blue jays looking for food, the awesome sight of the brilliant redheaded pileated woodpeckers, the new green grass, the blue of the sky, contracted with the deeper azure of Lake Superior, the peace of the Valley of Silence, a meandering butterfly, the scampering squirrel, the rustling breeze, and the warmth of the sun.

Tree Buds Breaking Open

Earlier in the day I recognized Him in the breaking of the bread of the Eucharist, as did those disciples on their way to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35), and in my Sisters, friends, guests, graduates, strangers, and in my brothers and sisters in Iraq, Africa, Afghanistan, Middle East, and along the southern part of the Mississippi River . . .

Deer Posing for Me

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Where have you recently recognized Him?


Sister Jeanne Ann Weber

Sister Jeanne Ann Weber is Director of Liturgy. She has experience as a teacher, advocate for women and children, giving retreats and spiritual direction. She is a member of the Shalom Spiritual Direction Training Program at the Monastery.See all of Sister Jeanne Ann’s posts.


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–Henri Nouwen