On Friday, July 22, as Duluth cleared downed trees from the previous day’s windstorm, Sister Jane Casey celebrated her 90th birthday with her family, friends, and her monastic family. She was born on August 6, 1926, and entered the Community after high school, making her first Monastic Profession in 1946. After teaching young children in the Duluth Diocese for 47 years, she lived at St. Anne’s Senior Residence where she helped with chapel duties and brought Eucharist to residents at St. Ann’s and in the Central Hillside neighborhood.
Sister Jane now lives in the monastery where she is loved and honored.
During Friday’s celebration, Sister Jane renewed her Monastic Profession of 70 years, promising stability, fidelity to the monastic way of life, and obedience. While Sister Annella Wagner sang the Suscipe from Psalm 119, Sister Jane sang along in her heart:
“Receive me, Lord, according to your will and I shall live, and do not fail me in my hope.”
The Suscipe is sung by a Sister when she makes her Perpetual Monastic Profession and commits her whole self to God.
Sister Jane and Sister Beverly Raway, Prioress, then signed a copy of her monastic promises, and the simple ritual ended with the Community singing, “Pray for us, Lady, Queen of Peace.”
May our Lady indeed bless Sister Jane with peace!