Poetry Class at McCabe Renewal Center

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Poetry Class at McCabe Renewal Center

Poetry class at McCabe Renewal Center
Poetry classes were offered at McCabe Renewal Center recently by Deb Cooper and Ann Niedringhaus.

Poetry aplentyTen participantsTwo facilitatingAll uniquely sent.   From owl to Brighton BeachFrom pain and loss sharedFrom art to heritagePoetry aplenty.—By Sister Dorene King



My career began on the day I was placed on the finger

of a young Irish girl.

It was the day she married the love of her life,

a handsome young man from Waterford County.

I was filled with joy as I witnessed

their love for each other.

I sparkled with delight on the day

their only son was born.

I remained on her finger

after her husband died

to remind her that love does not end with death.

It keeps going round and round,

just like me.

The death of this Irish widow

brought me to a new owner,

her granddaughter.

This young woman became a Benedictine Sister,

and asked me to change my appearance

by allowing myself to be melted into her profession ring.

That was a radical adjustment,

but I’m so glad it did it!

Fifty years later

Here I am still riding on her finger

andtelling the world

that love has no ending.

It keeps doing round and round,

just like me.

Jean Maher, OSB

Posted in Happenings

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–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict