Peace on Earth

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Peace on Earth

How many of you received Christmas cards this year containing the words Peace on Earth? I know that I received a few and may have even sent one or two. Peace is a theme that cloaks the Christmas season. Christmas greetings of peace echo the words of the prophet Isaiah who spoke of a time when havoc wrought by wars and violence would be dispelled. We long for God’s reign of peace to cover the earth with a promised state of wholeness, tranquility and delight. 

This longed for peace on earth will surely be fulfilled at the Second Coming, when Jesus returns in all glory. But we also know that peace actually did come to earth on that first Christmas. The Christ Child came bringing peace to our heart. He came, teaching us love and showing us mercy. Jesus revealed that if we wanted to see peace on earth, it had to start with each of us.

So, as we await the day of peace on earth, let us pray. Let us pray for every person touched by hatred or division or war. Let us pray for those whose hearts have been hardened by pain and sorrow and sin. Let us pray for ourselves, that we can be peaceful with ourselves and our neighbors and embrace Jesus, the Prince of Peace, in our hearts.

“Lord, bring the peace of your kingdom to every corner of the earth” (Psalm 122:1-9).

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“Our greatest fulfillment lies in giving ourselves to others.”
–Henri Nouwen