Letter from Prioress

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Letter from Prioress

On behalf of the Sisters, I want to thank all who have called, written or emailed us at the Monastery to ask how we are doing. We are grateful beyond words for your prayers, words, care and concern.

The bonds of affection and care are mutual. We pray for all of you daily and we are moved by what you are doing for others; a powerful reminder that we are all in this together.

For our sponsored organizations, we know that the threat of the COVID-19 virus has put you into the crucible of a double challenge; worrying and taking care of your families and friends, while also caring for patients, residents and students who are fearful and isolated. Our prayer for you, as the crisis deepens, is that you will have the energy, tenacity, and spiritual strength to carry on. Your own self-care is important and we hope you will take advantage of times to refresh yourselves. We hold all of you close to our hearts. We hear daily that the Benedictine values are welcome guides as you plan and make thoughtful, often difficult decisions. We are elated to know that the values of hospitality, stewardship, respect and justice are alive and well as you collaborate with each other and with civic organizations that need our help. In spite of hardships, we know that many good things are happening to bring people together because of the pandemic. We are proud, as your sponsor, that you are carrying out these good works in our name.

And, how are we doing at the Monastery? In two words, very well. We are safe, well taken care of, and keeping our spirits up. There have been no cases of Corona virus here. Because we live adjacent to the Benedictine Living Community and have a vulnerable population on Benet Hall we have been in “lock- down” for several weeks. Essential staff coming into the Monastery are screened every shift. No guests are allowed to visit Benet Hall, including the Sisters who do not live there. This is the hardest of the separations for us.

We are blessed, however, to have Father Gabriel Baltes, OSB, a monk of St. Precopius Abbey, Lisle, IL on sabbatical with us, providing for our spiritual needs. We are sustained by the rhythm of the liturgy of the hours and devotions which our Sisters on Benet Hall can view through closed circuit TV. All of us find that the psalms of lament have a deeper meaning and bring us into solidarity with all of you as we pray them. In them we hear the cry for relief rising to heaven (Psalm 90) all over the world and respond with our own sighing and lament (Psalm 85).

In conclusion, we send you a virtual hug… wrapping our hearts around you in prayer that soon “all will be well and all manner of things will be well” (Julian of Norwich).

Blessings and peace,

Sister Beverly Raway, OSB,
Prioress, St. Scholastica Monastery

Sister Beverly Raway
Sister Lois Eckes and Father Gabriel Baltes
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  1. May God continue to bless the Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery! Thank you for the support you bring so many people, especially those less fortunate.

  2. I am so grateful to hear you are well. You all hold a special place in this Stanbrook Hall and Duluth Cathedral student. Thank you for your prayers. Love, Ann

  3. Sending love and virtual hugs back to each and everyone of you. I will be so happy to get back to morning prayer with you, in God’s time of course. Until then, we remain in spirit together. Peace.

  4. We appreciate being co-sponsored by BHS (now Benedictine) one of your major ministries. The leadership of the Benedictines at Duluth will keep being Benedictine and Catholic alive forever. The Benedictines at Sacred Heart Monastery in Lisle, Illinois are proud to be associated with Sister Beverly and her community. We also claim Father Gabriel as a monk from our brother community at St. Procopius in Lisle. God bless you all

  5. Blessings to all of you dear sisters. I miss you and my trips to Duluth. Please keep me in prayer and all who are working with the homeless. Sister Kathleen Atkinson

  6. Sending love and prayer during this time. This lockdown has me reflecting on the value of community and how we can support and sustain community even when far apart. Thank you for the update and you will all be in my prayers every day.

  7. Love and prayers to all the Sisters who have given so much to our community.

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“Before all, and above all, attention shall be paid to the care of the sick, so that they shall be served as if they were Christ Himself.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict