I Dare To Say

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I Dare To Say

Our Father, Who art in Heaven,
Thank you, God, for being my Father.

hallowed be Thy name;   
I am grateful that, in your holiness, you choose to be in relationship with me.

Thy Kingdom come,
More and more I long for the coming of your Kingdom. Come, be the Ruler of my life and the King of the world!

Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.    
How is it Lord, that I may live your will? Help me to live into who and how you dream me to be.

Give us this day our daily bread;  
Please continue to bless me with what I need that I may be happy, healthy, and holy.

and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us;  
Oh, how can I ever express the sorrow I have for my sins? Thank you for your generous mercy and forgiveness. Bless me with a heart like yours, a heart that is merciful and forgiving.

and lead us not into temptation,  
You know how very weak I am. Have mercy on me and do not try me without the benefit of your grace. 

but deliver us from evil. Amen. 
Keep me safe and free from harm. May I always be in the light of your face. Never let me be separated from you.








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“Our humanity comes to its fullest bloom in giving. We become beautiful people when we give whatever we can give: a smile, a handshake, a kiss, an embrace, a word of love, a present, a part of our life...all of our life.”
–Henri Nouwen