Happy 125th Anniversary, Diocese of Duluth!

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Happy 125th Anniversary, Diocese of Duluth!

Saturday, September 12, was a beautiful, cool, sunny day: perfect for celebrating the Duluth Diocese’ 125th anniversary.  

Some participants partook of a light snack in Holy Rosary School’s gymnasium before beginning their walk.
Photo by Dennis Hackett, St. James, Duluth.

A light snack before the long procession

About 25 Benedictine Sisters walked in the Eucharistic Procession from the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary to the Duluth Entertainment and Convention Center (DECC), or gathered at the DECC for Adoration and Holy Eucharist.

Sisters walking in procession


The crowd stretched at least five city blocks.

Procession coming down towards the waterfront


A young acolyte is lost in reverence before the Blessed Sacrament.

Monstrance and acolyte


Bishop Paul Sirba and priests kneel in worship. Adoration was followed by Eucharist for the thousands of people who filled the DECC’s hockey arena.

Adoration at the DECC

Posted in Happenings

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