Two Graduates: Sister Kathleen Del Monte and Sister Antonia Mtega

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Two Graduates: Sister Kathleen Del Monte and Sister Antonia Mtega

On Sunday, December 16, we celebrated with two new grads.

Sister Beverly Raway, Prioress, gives gifts to Sister Kathleen (left) and Sister Antonia (right)

Sister Kathleen Del Monte earned her Master’s Degree in Theology from St. Joseph College in Maine, taking most of her classwork online while working in the College of St. Scholastica as Associate Vice President of Mission Integration.

Sister Antonia Mtega earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Health Care Administration from The College of St. Scholastica, taking classes in what is, for her, a foreign language. She is a guest here from our Twinning Monastery in Tanzania.

Sister Beverly Raway, Prioress, gives gifts to Sister Kathleen and Sister Antonia 

Sister Antonia found some music from her home country on Youtube, and several tried out some new dance steps.

    Sister Beverly and Sister Antonia

 Sister Beverly and Sister Antonia


Sister Dorene, Associate Jayne, Sister Antonia, and Sister Gretchen  

  Sister Dorene, Associate Jayne, Sister Antonia, and Sister Gretchen












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