To Yourself Be True

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To Yourself Be True

…the Spirit will guide you to all truth (John 16:13)

            Am I true to myself?   If I were, I would be listening to the deepest center of my heart where God is present. All the answers I need to live a happy, fulfilled life are there. God only wishes my best good, and the Spirit places within my heart those desires necessary for obtaining that good. Careful listening can help me discern what to do that will solve my personal problems. If I am true to my innermost yearnings, I will also know when I am moving against my best self.             I discovered a test to find out just how true I am to myself. I make a list of the things I claim are my values; for example, prayer. If I say prayer is high on my list of priorities, I ask myself: Do I give it quality time? Do I set aside a special time each day to pray?  If my answers are positive, I question further and ask if this is the only time I pray or do I “call upon the Lord” off and on frequently during the day? In other words, is my prayer habitual; does it permeate my life? I try to consider other values—honesty, thriftiness, good citizenship, and so on—the same way. By being true to myself in honoring my values in small things, life becomes less problematic and leads me to greater happiness and joy.

Jesus, give me the courage to practice genuine integrity each day!

—Sister Mary E. Penrose, OSB


Sister Mary E. Penrose, OSB

Sister Mary E. Penrose is a Sister of St. Scholastica Monastery in Duluth, Minnesota. She edits readings for the liturgical Hours and writes reflections for the Community. And she is a tutor for the African Sisters attending The College of St. Scholastica. She was editor of a journal, Spirit & Life, for 18 years.


Posted in Reflections, Uncategorized

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“And let them first pray together, that so they may associate in peace.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict