St. Augustine of Hippo – Sing Alleluia!

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St. Augustine of Hippo – Sing Alleluia!

© Icon Mary Magdalene. The Lord has risen from the tomb! I trust I will not weary you if I mention what you know already:  that we say ALLELUIA daily and that we take delight in it daily.  For you know that ALLELUIA means “Praise God,” and by this expression we, agreeing in speech and thought, exhort one another to praise God.  Only the  one who displeases God in no respect praises God in security.  Furthermore, in this time of journeying we say ALLELUIA for solace on our way.  ALLELUIA   is the song of the traveler for us; but we are advancing through a laborious path to a peaceful country where all our activities will be laid aside and nothing will remain for us except the ALLELUIA.Let us sing now, not for the delights of peace, but for comfort in our labor. Sing as travelers are accustomed to sing; comfort your labor by singing; do not love inactivity; keep singing and keep progressing. …If you are advancing; progress in well-doing, progress in good faith, progress in good deeds.  Keep singing and keep advancing. While we are here let us sing ALLELUIA though we are still beset with cares, so that in the future we may sing it there (in heaven) in tranquility.  After the labors of this world there will be unceasing repetition of ALLELUIA.  …There ALLELUIA will be our food; ALLELUIA will be our drink; ALLELUIA will be our peaceful action; ALLELUIA will be our whole joy.Sermon 255 (1); Sermon 256 (1 and 3); Sermon 252 (9)© Mary Magdalen Icon, St. Scholastica Monastery,Duluth,MN.     Written by +Sister Mary Charles McGough, OSB.

This blog provided by Sister Mary E. Penrose, OSBRead her Easter reflection.

Posted in Reflections, Uncategorized

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–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict