On Thursday, February 18, in a beautiful and inspiring ceremony at the Cathedral of Christ the King, James Powers was installed as the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Superior, Wisconsin.
Sister Beverly Raway, Prioress, Sister Jeanne Ann Weber, and Sister Claudia Cherro attended Vespers the evening prior to the installation, and Sister Beverly and Sister Gretchen Johnston attended the Installation as representatives of the Monastery. Sister Beverly spoke with the Bishop-Elect at the Vespers service on Wednesday evening, while the next day Sister Gretchen connected with friends she had made while teaching music in the Cathedral school and assisting with liturgy for two years. Sister Beverly found Bishop Powers to be an outgoing, humble person, with a good sense of humor and a pastoral heart, as well as being an efficient administrator. Respect and admiration were evident in the warm expressions of all who met him. His motto will be “Lead me, Lord, by Your light.”
For the Installation, the Cathedral was filled with clergy, religious, and lay people in an atmosphere of joyful prayer, solemnity, and praise. Archbishop Jerome Listecki of Milwaukee presided over the ceremony and delivered the homily. Bishop Powers’ family and parishioners from his parish in Rice Lake took part in the Eucharist. Music included hymns from the Superior Diocesan Choir and musicians playing harp, flute, and classic guitar. Elders from the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians and children from their St. Francis Solanus School celebrated with drumming, dancing, and signing of a prayer. We were all privileged to be blessed by Bishop Powers as he moved throughout the Church at the closing of the ceremony.
It was wonderful to connect with those we know, including Bishop Peter Christensen, the previous bishop of the Superior Diocese, and those with whom we recently became acquainted.
The Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery ask God’s blessing upon Bishop Powers and all the people of our neighboring diocese. May he always be led by the Lord’s light!
Sister Beverly Raway, Prioress; Bishop Peter Christensen (formerly of Superior); Sister Jeanne Ann Weber
Sister Jeanne Ann Weber; Bishop James Powers; Sister Claudia Cherro