Sister Lisa Maurer – Sisters Underground

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Sister Lisa Maurer – Sisters Underground

Sister Theresa Spindler, Sister Dorene King, and Sister Lisa MaurerSister Theresa Spindler, Sister Dorene King, and Sister Lisa Maurer

When I visited the cities of Tower and Soudan, Minnesota, this past spring giving talks on behalf of the Alliance for International Monasticism – AIM,   I pledged that I would return and tour the Soudan Underground Mine.   So I, along with three of my Sisters, did just that! We wore hard hats, journeyed down 2,341 feet in a caged elevator, and road in a railcar.  On the tour, we listened to the stories of the mining days and got to experience first-hand just how dark and cool it is underground.  (Oh, I almost failed to mention the bats…and not the baseball kind!) It was a great trip.  Not only was I blessed to spend time with two of my beautiful Sisters but I also got to experience God’s great and wondrous creation.  It is amazing to see and take notice of God’s glory that is all around us…around, above and don’t forget below…way below!




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–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict