Sister Lisa Maurer Appointed BHS Director, Mission Integration

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Sister Lisa Maurer Appointed BHS Director, Mission Integration

Sister Lisa Maurer of St. Scholastica Monastery is the new Director of Mission Integration for the Benedictine Health System.

Sister Lisa joined BHS March 2012, as the BHS Mission Integration manager. As the new director, she will provide leadership for furthering the Benedictine Mission and Core Values throughout the BHS. This includes areas of mission, spiritual care, ethics, liturgical and ritual services, and community benefit. She reports to Becky Urbanski, Ed.D., BHS Senior Vice President; Mission, Marketing and Education in the Duluth office.

“We look forward to Sister Lisa’s energetic, thoughtful, and creative leadership of mission integration at BHS. She will advance this foundational aspect of the System both now and into the future,” said Urbanski.

Sister Lisa has served as a pastoral associate in Duluth and held many other ministry-related roles in southern Minnesota parishes. Prior to her ministry work, she was an elementary education teacher and athletic coach. Sister Lisa is originally from Sleepy Eye, Minnesota where she graduated from St. Mary’s High School. She is also a graduate of Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall, MN, and is currently working on her master’s degree at St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN.






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–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict