During Lent we pray the closing Midday Prayer together. It is the AIM Prayer. AIM stands for the Alliance for International Monasticism. AIM USA is an organization composed of 160 communities of men and women in the United States and Canada who follow the Rule of Benedict and over 400 English-speaking monasteries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. AIM USA provides spiritual, educational, formation, and building assistance to monasteries in developing countries to enable them to be centers of life for others. Monasteries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America enrich their brothers and sisters in the United States with global vision, fresh insights into monastic life, cultural diversity, and gospel witness of service to the poor.As I pray the following, it makes me realize the needs of our brothers and sisters throughout the world. This prayer could be adapted to each one’s personal call in life.
Prayer of AIM for Monastic Life
O loving God,We ask your blessing on all monastic men and women,especially those who live and workin the most destitute parts of the world.
Help us to become people of prayer and peace.May we be visible signsthat strangers can live together in God’s love.Give us hearts wide enoughto welcome the traveler, the outcast, the neighbor.
Enable usto listen to and learn from the people we serve,especially the poorest.
May our communities be models of wise stewardship,of dignified human labor,of sacred leisure,and of reverence for all living things.
Above all, O God,may a monastic presence in the worldbe a constant witnessof justice, compassion, and hope to all. Amen.
Copies of AIM Prayer cardare available from:AIM USA345 East Ninth StreetErie, PA 16503-1107 USAaim@aim-usa.org