Sister Jeanne Ann – Gifts Found on the Monastery Grounds

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Sister Jeanne Ann – Gifts Found on the Monastery Grounds

I know I will always find gifts that will renew my body, mind, and spirit if I go outdoors.
Monastery Gifts - 2
Restoring Gifts Outdoors
There are often unexpected treasures depending on the season, the temperature, the light, the shadows, and grace.God richly gifts and blesses me in myriads of ways!
Monastery Gifts - 3
Temperature, light, shadows, and grace!



Sister Jeanne Ann Weber

Sister Jeanne Ann Weber is Director of Liturgy. She has experience as a teacher, advocate for women and children, giving retreats and spiritual direction. She is a member of the Shalom Spiritual Direction Training Program at the Monastery.See all of Sister Jeanne Ann’s posts.


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“And let them first pray together, that so they may associate in peace.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict