Sister Jeanne Ann – Banners of Celebration

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Sister Jeanne Ann – Banners of Celebration

Celebrations Chapel bannersThese past weeks there have been many Community celebrations.  What is a celebration?  It is a joyful occasion marking some happy event.  It includes ceremony, rituals, recognition, remembrance and tribute.  Amid life’s challenges, it is good to celebrate and to remember God’s faithful love personally and communally.  Celebrations are renewing and hope-filled. The opposite of celebration is apathy, forgetting, or negligence. Sometimes we remember the half- empty glass instead of the half full-glass.  Sometimes we wear glasses of hopelessness and do not see the sunshine of life and hope.  We may also develop amnesia wherein we forget God’s blessings, gifts, and presence as we journey in faith, hope, and love. What have been some of our celebrations?  We hope you have or will look at some of the pictures and articles under the news and events section of our website. Our celebrations have included Jubilees, Perpetual Monastic Profession, First Monastic Professions, Rite of Reception as a Novice, and Rite of Entry as a Postulant.  Do rejoice with us as we give thanks and praise to God, and ask God’s continued blessing of our Community with new members! May you know celebrations in your life! Blk-spc





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“Before all, and above all, attention shall be paid to the care of the sick, so that they shall be served as if they were Christ Himself.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict