+Sister Jane Casey, OSB

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+Sister Jane Casey, OSB

Sister Jane Casey died July 28, 2016 at St. Scholastica Monastery. She was born on August 6, 1926 to James and Mary Jane (Kelly) Casey in Duluth, Minnesota. She was in her 70th year of monastic profession.

The oldest of five children, Jane was raised in a devout Catholic family where her parents daily blessed their children with holy water before they left for school, played outside, and went to bed.  Jane knew by the time she was twelve that she would be a Sister.  After graduating from Cathedral High School in 1944, she entered the Duluth Benedictine Community in the fall.1926 to James and Mary Jane (Kelly) Casey in Duluth, Minnesota. She was in her 70th year of monastic profession.

She professed her perpetual vows on July 11, 1950, celebrated her Silver Jubilee in 1972, her Golden Jubilee in 1996 and her Diamond Jubilee on July 9, 2016.  Sister earned her BA degree in Elementary Education for The College of St. Scholastica and her MA Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Minnesota-Duluth.

Sister Jane found her 47 years of teaching in many Catholic elementary schools a happy and rewarding endeavor.  Her teaching ministry took her to Minnesota schools in Duluth, Virginia, International Falls, Hibbing, and Minneapolis, as well as to Chicago and Cincinnati.  She never tired of delighting in her young pupils, nor they in her.  She retired in 1997 and was given an opportunity to travel to Lourdes and to Rome.  When she returned, she became a companion and assistant to the Sister sacristan at St. Ann’s Senior Residence in Duluth.  Being blessed with good health, boundless energy and a passion for sharing the love of Christ to all, she joined another Sister in her ministry on Central Hillside, working out of St. Mary Star of the Sea Church.  She visited seniors and the home-bound in high rises and home in the area and brought Holy Communion to them, as well as interacting with the residents at St. Ann’s.  In 2008, Sister returned to the monastery to live out her days attending to the needs of others in prayer, deed, and heart.

Sister Jane was preceded in death by her parents, her brothers James and Thomas, and her sister Georgia Barr.  Besides the Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery, she is survived by her sister Terese Perich, many nieces, nephews, and friends.

A Wake Service was held on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 in Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel at 9:30 a.m., with Mass of Christian Burial at 11:00 a.m., Reverend Brian Schultz, Presider. Burial was at Gethsemane Cemetery. Arrangements were by Dougherty Funeral Home.  Memorials to St. Scholastica Monastery are preferred.







Posted in Happenings, Obituaries

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