Sister Mary Josephine Torborg, a Benedictine Sister of St. Scholastica Monastery in Duluth and an Associate Professor of Theology and Spirituality at The College of St. Scholastica, conducted a day-long Advent retreat on Saturday, November 20.
The retreat centered on the concept that Advent is the season to ponder the yearning and deep hunger we experience as we await the fullness of Christ coming into our world. We are encouraged to be alert, watchful, and engaged in attentive listening to the Word so that our hearts may be transformed.
Twenty-one participants probed the questions: For what do we long? For whom? How can we enter this journey into the Mystery of Love Incarnate? How can we freshen our vision to recognize God’s dwelling within us and among us in the ordinary events of our lives?
Sister Mary Josephine (far left, below) received her MA and Ph.D. in Formative Spirituality at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA. and she has taught theology and spirituality courses at The College of St. Scholastica for more than 22 years. She has directed the Theology and Religious Studies department Spirituality Conference Series for 12 years.