Chapel bells will ring here today, Tuesday, January 19, and extra candles will be lit in solidarity with the lighting and bell ringing around the country (5:30 EST, 4:30 CST) to honor the young and the old who have died from COVID-19.
The Sisters will gather in the Chapel in silence to pray for that intention and to also pray safety during the Inauguration events on Wednesday and for peace and unity in our country.
We ask you to join us wherever you find yourself at this sacred time as we pray:
Creator God, on the sixth day, you fashioned us from the clay of the earth and breathed into us the breath of life declaring that all you had made was good. We ask you to remember our loved ones and all who grieve for family and friends gone too soon away from us because of the coronavirus. Hold us and all who have died close to your heart as you welcome them back to your loving embrace. Bless those working to distribute the anti-COVID-19 vaccines so that we can breathe again, the breath of life freely and face to face and know once again that all is good.
Remember our country, our newly elected leaders, and all of our people as we pray for the unity and peace, we so deeply desire. We pray for a turning away from the darkness of misunderstanding, abuse, and violence of every kind and a turning toward the grace and light that leads to hope, reconciliation, and understanding. May we more clearly recognize our brothers and sisters in the faces of all whom we meet. May they inspire us to learn more, to share more and to keep an open mind and spirit. May we “listen with the ear of our heart” that we may build a more compassionate and just world for future generations.
Bless the day of inauguration with safety and peace as President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris, are sworn in and begin their term of office. Inspire all of our leaders to boldly work for justice and equality. Let the power of the Spirit guide them in discovering creative, collaborative, and effective means of dealing with our most pressing issues here and around the world. In all their deliberations and decisions, let them remember and attend to the needs of the marginalized and vulnerable and those held back or victimized because of racist views or bias of any kind.
We pray that all that is good in our hearts and in our country rise up to meet the challenges ahead. May we work together with humility and courage to make the changes needed for the health of our nations and our planet.
We ask all in your Holy Name and in the power of your lifegiving Spirit. Amen.