Our Lady of Sorrows

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Our Lady of Sorrows

This past week we celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Yes. You read that right. We celebrated Our Lady of Sorrows. It seems a bit odd, a bit backwards, to be celebrating Mary’s sorrows. Yet, there is good reason why we honor her under this title. She understands our sorrow.

Mary understands our sorrows when we are afraid of the future.
The Prophecy of the aged Simeon in the temple (Luke 2:25-35)

Mary understands our sorrows when we are in unfamiliar places.
The flight into Egypt with the Infant Jesus (Matthew 2:13-15)

Mary understands our sorrows when we are worried about family and friends.
The loss of Jesus in Jerusalem (Luke 2:41-50)

Mary understands our sorrows when we see our loved ones suffer.
Mary encounters her Son on His way to Calvary (Luke 23:27-31; Jn. 19:17)

Mary understands our sorrows when we encounter death.
The Crucifixion of Jesus (John 19:25-30)

Mary understands our sorrows when our hearts are broken.
The Body of Jesus is placed on her lap (Luke. 23: 50 – 54; John 19: 31 – 37)

Mary understands our sorrows when all seems lost.
Jesus’ burial (Isaiah 53:8; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42; Mark 15: 40 – 47)

“Mary, Mother of Sorrows, help us to understand God’s will in moments of suffering.” ~ Pope Francis

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“Our greatest fulfillment lies in giving ourselves to others.”
–Henri Nouwen