One Way to Cope with a Long Winter

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One Way to Cope with a Long Winter

Duluth, Minnesota. It’s winter.  What do you associate with these?  This year most of our readers across the country east to west, north to south, are “associating just fine, thank you” with long snowy, socked-in snowy, piling-up snowy days and frigid cold nights. It’s enough to make a person, well, gloomy.

Staff setting up

There is a remedy for that!

The staff of Benet Hall, our Sisters’ assisted living area, came up with a great idea:  A picnic!  With all the fixings!  And invite some friends!

The Benet Hall Sisters, staff, and invited servers enjoyed such a picnic on Tuesday, February 26. This was indoors, of course. Nice warm weather. The sun outside was actually shining brightly and the sky was a brilliant blue – as seen through the windows.

No ants, no wasps! No three-legged races! 

Servers beginning to serve.






And let your mouth water at the menu! Grilled brats and hamburgers, buns and their mustard, onions, ketchup, pickles, tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese (drooling yet?);  potato salad, and potato chips;  for dessert luscious, moist brownies with or without nuts! And did I mention the lemonade?!

Here, have a napkin!

Sisters and Guests






Posted in Happenings

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–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict