Oh When the Saints Go Marching In

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Oh When the Saints Go Marching In

The CSS SaintsThis was a favorite song of my mother.  She loved to play it on her harmonica when her children, friends, or relatives came to visit.  It was such a favorite that she requested that it be sung at her funeral.  How appropriate it was to sing it, amid the tears, as we recessed out of church.  I especially think of this song as we celebrate the solemnity of All Saints on November 1st.  This is a day to remember all the saints, canonized or not, well-known or not.  By their lives and actions, we are reminded of the various calls to holiness.  We are encouraged by their witness, and intercession, as we also journey to the goal of fullness of life with Christ “which eye has not seen, nor ear heard.” I sense when I get to the pearly gates, my mother will be there next to the sign which says: “Welcome Home Saints”  (as we are all called by our baptism to holiness of life),  playing Oh, When the Saints Go Marching In on her harmonica. What a day of joy and celebration! Do you have a favorite saint, canonized or not?  It could be someone who is an example of love, care, etc.   I would like to hear from you.


Sister Jeanne Ann Weber

Sister Jeanne Ann Weber is Director of Liturgy. She has experience as a teacher, advocate for women and children, giving retreats and spiritual direction. She is a member of the Shalom Spiritual Direction Training Program at the Monastery.
See all of Sister Jeanne Ann’s posts.




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“Before all, and above all, attention shall be paid to the care of the sick, so that they shall be served as if they were Christ Himself.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict