On the Feast of St. Scholastica, February 10, in the presence of the Community assembled in the Gathering Space of Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel, Sister Lois Eckes, Prioress, welcomed Affiliate Therese Carson of Harbor Springs, Michigan, as a Postulant during the simple Rite of Entry ceremony preceding Evening Prayer.
As a sign of her new designation, the Postulant received the special Postulant cross of St. Benedict which signifies the form of life she has chosen. She was also presented with the official Liturgy of the Hours prayer books used by the Community and an apron—replacing the former scapular apron—representing the Benedictine motto “Pray and work so that in all things God may be glorified.” Therese then joined the Community as it processed into Chapel for prayer.
- Sister Lois, Prioress, presents Therese with the Benedictine cross in the presence of Sister Mary Catherine Shambour, Vocation Director.