It’s Graduation Time. May They Become Whole and Holy.

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It’s Graduation Time. May They Become Whole and Holy.


by Sister Donna Schroeder

Today is bright and sunny and I am enjoying the view from my window. Some of the needles on the spruce trees outside catch the sun and glow. Their glow reminds me of the young women and men who are graduating from high school and college this month. They are bundles of potentiality, some of whom will become movers and shakers. My hope for them is that they will become whole and holy people, a beacon for our turbulent times. May they be like the psalmist who says: Athirst is my soul for the living God (Psalm 42:2).

The young people I know convince me that their hearts are in the right place. They care about issues, the hardships borne by others such as hunger and lack of shelter, about the planet and the damage done by climate change which has greatest impact in the parts of the world already suffering the most significant disparities in the quality of life. Young people want to make a difference and they need the opportunity to invest their lives in enterprises that matter. Let us be among those who encourage rather than put up barriers.





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