Heritage Gratitude Blessing

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Heritage Gratitude Blessing

On Tuesday, December 7, Prioress Lois Eckes and Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery gathered in the main hallway to bless the Community’s heritage represented by five history boards.   These boards that display a condensed history of the Duluth Benedictine community have been installed on a first-floor wall.

The History Boards committee have been meeting since November, 2006, to create a way to exhibit milestones in the Community’s history from 1892 to the present.

 Sister Teri gives highlights of 4th history board.

Sister Lois pointed out some highlights on the first board:

—Origins in Eichstatt, Bavaria, move to St. Benedict’s, then to Duluth;

—Mother Scholastica Kerst and other Sisters  from St. Benedict were co founders of the Diocese of Duluth along with Bishop James McGolrick;

—The first Sisters cared for the sick and taught elementary school.


Sister Mary Christa points out highlights on board number 5.

Sister Theresa Spinler and Sister Mary Christa Kroening then pointed out highlights of the other four boards. 

Sister Lois noted that the photos of all the Prioresses have been relocated to the center of the hallway.  She said that their  far-sighted and strong leadership provided the foundation for the Monastery of today. 

Sisters gather to reflect on their Benedictine heritage.

Posted in Happenings

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