Happy Anniversary, Bishop Paul Sirba

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Happy Anniversary, Bishop Paul Sirba

Bishop speaking to Sisters in Benet Hall
On Thursday evening September 29, Bishop Paul Sirba joined the Community to celebrate his 25th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood.  May 31st, the feast of the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, is the official date of his ordination, but this was the first date a mutually agreeable time could be arranged. The bishop, as shepherd of the Diocese,  has a very full schedule.
Bishop Paul greeted each Sister.
He began his evening by visiting the Sisters on Benet Hall.  He was touched by their many years of commitment to Christ and to the Benedictine way of life.Then he joined us for Evening Prayer in which we celebrated the feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. The opening hymn was Praise We Our God With Joy which was very appropriate on many different levels.  Moving to the dining room, a special sung blessing- prayer preceded a delicious meal.  This was followed by a Mozart piano duet played by Sister Mary Christa Kroening and Sister Linda Wiggins.  We sang a blessing for Bishop Paul based on Paul’s letter to the Philippians after which he was presented with the book of the Gospels and Acts from the St. John’s Bible Series.
Bishop Paul Serba addressed the Community after dinner.
Bishop Paul addressed the Community and then prayed a special blessing for us and in gratitude for our lives and ministries in this Diocese and beyond.  A reception line formed in which individual Sisters had the opportunity to congratulate Bishop Paul.  Bishop Paul,   ad multos annos – for many years among us!

Posted in Happenings

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