God Knew

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God Knew

Early one morning, I was listless during my prayer time before the Blessed Sacrament. I did not feel like my normal self. There was nothing particularly wrong with me. I wasn’t tired. I wasn’t sick. My prayer just didn’t seem right or normal. 

After my hour of private prayer, I moved on to the main chapel to join my sisters for Morning Prayer. I happened to be one of the prayer leaders that morning. The first phrase, from Psalm 61, I had to pray aloud as leader was “O God, listen to my cry, be attentive to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call out, with heaviness in my heart.” God knew how I was feeling. He gave me a chance to articulate what was inside of me. It was good to say those words.  

The Psalm continued. With my sisters I prayed phrases such as: 

“Lift me up.”
“You have been my refuge.”
“Let me dwell in your tent forever.”
“O God, grant the desires of those who love you.”

As I prayed those words, I could feel my spirit lighten. Bit by bit I was feeling more like myself.

At the conclusion of the Psalm, once again it was my turn to pray aloud as leader. This time I said, “I will sing praise to your Name forever, as I fulfill my vows day after day.” What a perfect way to end! God put fitting words on my lips. He brought me from listlessness to thoughts of hope and promise. God knew what I needed.


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“Our humanity comes to its fullest bloom in giving. We become beautiful people when we give whatever we can give: a smile, a handshake, a kiss, an embrace, a word of love, a present, a part of our life...all of our life.”
–Henri Nouwen