Forgive Us – But We Are Proud

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Forgive Us – But We Are Proud

When you’re a proud parent it starts with your child’s first grimacing smile.  And later with his finally erupted first tooth.  And her first several steps!  If you’re a proud friend, you share the pride of your BFF (Best Friend Forever, for the not-texting readers out there) for an art award or a sports championship. Or even simply for picking a great outfit and looking great in it!  


Well, her friends and relatives are proud of Sister Lisa Mauer for the trailblazing she had done. Click the link and read about it in the Boston Globe!









Posted in Happenings

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“Listen carefully, my child, to your master's precepts, and incline the ear of your heart. Receive willingly and carry out effectively your loving father's advice, that by the labor of obedience you may return to Him from whom you had departed by the sloth of disobedience.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict