Each year on Epiphany Sunday, the Sisters, including our Sisters from Benet Hall, gather in the area surrounding the entrance to the Monastery. Sister Lois, Prioress, prays: “Today we come to ask God’s blessing on our dwelling place, on everyone who is resident at the Monastery, and on everyone who passes this way.”
She then incenses the entrance and all who are gathered.
Sister Luella, on stepladder, writes the inscription with chalk, above the doorway, while the Prioress proclaims the words:”The three Magi … C Caspar, M Melchoir, and B Balthasar followed the star of God’s Son who became human 20 two thousand 11 and eleven years ago. + May Christ bless our dwelling + and remain with us + in our comings and goings throughout this New Year.”
While the musicians play the hymn “We Three Kings,” all process for a celebration in the dining room.