Blessed Easter Season! The Sisters greet you and hope that you are doing well and that the great feast of Easter and the promise of a lovely spring have lifted your spirits. I must admit that singing the Alleluia once again brought tears to my eyes and a flutter to my heart. As I reflect on the last several days, I’m reminded that part of the essence of the Easter vigil is telling stories and remembering our saving history. This Easter we will remember the stories of your compassion for one another and sing our Alleluias with gratitude. “We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song” (St. Augustine).
In these days of COVID-19 time, I want to say… corona virus… you will be defeated! We are an Easter people… we are a people who like our Savior, Jesus the Christ will rise again. This time, given to us as a gift… yes, a gift, allows us to realize we are not here forever, and that what we do matters, in the short time we have to make a difference on this lovely blue planet earth. We can stay with the lamentations… woe is me… isolated… but we are free to do more “good” now, with hearts racing with the joy like Peter and John running to the empty tomb. We have been sequestered in our offices and rooms and homes, but we are connected more than ever with a common experience that brings us closer together in will and heart. We will and we do rise again.
For those of us who are Catholic and Christian, the sacrifice of not being able to share in the Eucharist, especially, recently, on Easter Sunday, was difficult, but Christ is present to us in more ways than one. Christ is present in the Body and Blood, but also in the Word shared, in the people gathered in ones and twos in person or in crowds by electronic means. And, Christ is present every day in the hands of those who serve to make sure we stay connected, healthy and well… in the administrative staff of our sponsored ministries, the IT staff, the security teams, the associates, nurses and doctors, food service and environmental services staff, and all who touch our lives daily. And Christ is present in you. You are out there serving every day, living witness to our values, conquering fear and putting your lives on the line to care for the sick, managing essential services and by your example showing what it means to be the hands of Christ caring for those most in need.
For those marking Passover this week and those who will mark Ramadan later this month peaceful and holy days. Blessings to you all.
And thank you to all of you, who together are showing what is means to be an Easter people with Alleluia as our song.
Sister Beverly Raway, OSB
Prioress, St. Scholastica Monastery