It might seem odd that I use a picture of me at the helm of a sailboat in a blog about community, but it is totally appropriate. You see, the nephew of two of our Sisters (who themselves are sisters) offered to take members of our Monastic Community out for a little excursion. The only reason I had the opportunity to go sailing on Lake Superior is because of I am member of the Monastic Community of St. Scholastica. In fact, it is because of community that I get to do a lot of what I do and why I am becoming who I am.
For Benedictines, everything takes place within the context of community. Whether it is prayer, relationships, work, or even sailing, we are reminded that we are doing it as part of a community.
It is through community that I am blessed to be the Director of Mission Integration for the Benedictine Health System and that I get to coach football at the College of St. Scholastica. Without the support of my Community, neither of these things would have come to me nor would have the countless other opportunities to be of service. If it weren’t for community I would not have the time and space to be steeped in prayer and relationship. Community, according to Saint Benedict, is where we experience the love of God and where we are each challenged to be who and how God calls us to be.
In his book Strangers to the City, Michael Casey said that “if we intend merely to coast along the low roads, maybe we can do it alone. If we are heading for the mountains, the support of others is indispensable.” I am grateful to be a part of the Duluth Benedictines. This Community definitely encourages me to head for the mountains….and sail on Lake Superior!
Sister Lisa Maurer
Sister Lisa Maurer was born and raised in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota. Before entering the Monastery she taught and coached in Catholic Schools in the Diocese of New Ulm. Sister Lisa made her Perpetual Monastic Profession in 2012. Her first ministry as a Benedictine Sister was working at the parishes of St. Lawrence and St. Joseph in Duluth. Currently she is an Assistant Football Coach at the College of St. Scholastica and serves as the Director of Mission Integration for the Benedictine Health System.