“Caregivers Need Care Too” is a workshop dealing with self-care—especially spiritual self-care—for those who are caretakers in any way for people with disabilities, will be discussed. Time for participant sharing, dialogue, and interaction will be included.Facilitator: Sister Mary Carla Flood, OSB: MSW, LGWS, has been legally blind since birth. She is a member of St. Scholastica Monastery, Duluth, MN. Currently working in private practice she is working to raise disability awareness and to promote more inclusion of people with disabilities in churches and society. Date: Saturday, January 14, 2012Location: St. Scholastica Monastery 1001 Kenwood Avenue Duluth, MN 55811Time: Registration: 8:30 a.m. Workshop: 9: 00 -NoonCost: Freewill OfferingFor registration or more information contact: 218-723-6555 or email: pauline.m@duluthosb.org
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