Be Docile Not a Doily

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Be Docile Not a Doily

To bear fruit for God’s Kingdom, we must be docile to God’s word and to His will. Now listen, being docile is not the same as laying around and doing nothing. Docility does not mean being a doily. It means we need to be willing and ready, obedient, and active. No doily can do that! 

When we are docile to God it means having the willingness and readiness to be taught and guided by the Holy Spirit. It involves being open to the workings of God in one’s life, and the willingness to cooperate with His grace and be shaped by the activities of the Holy Spirit. No doily can do that!

Another aspect of being docile is obedience. This is a compliance and submission to God’s commands, requests, and preferences. It is the desire to always seek and conform oneself to the will of God. No doily can do that! 

Docility to God involves reacting quickly and positively to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. It means being flexible and willing to put aside one’s own will, plans, and desires, and to accept and do whatever is God’s will. It involves taking action as one becomes aware of God’s dreams and desires for us. No doily can do that!

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“Before all, and above all, attention shall be paid to the care of the sick, so that they shall be served as if they were Christ Himself.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict