A Spiritual Breath

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A Spiritual Breath

On a recent morning, when I was praying before the Blessed Sacrament, I saw a light on the wall that I have never seen before. Thinking that I had mistakenly turned on a light, I went to check it out. Turns out it was the sun! God was awaking the day and awaking my spirit, giving me a new spiritual breath.

I had just been reading. “Are we practical materialists? At times we become so enmeshed in the reality of daily life that we don’t give the slightest thought to the spiritual world, which is infinitely greater than the material one that consumes all our attention. Through our baptism, we are marked out for heavenly things. We bear on our soul the indelible mark that proclaims to the universe that we are children of God. Every time we take a spiritual breath, and glance heavenwards, we renew that birth in the Spirit through which the Lord claimed us as his own. Let us never spend more than a minute as practical materialists!” (regnumchristi.org)

That quick morning sunrise experience was definitely a spiritual breath. All praise and glory to God!

The odd shadow I first saw on the wall
When I explored further I saw this
Still curious I looked around. The corner revealed the sun streaming through the stained glass window. This position of the sun lasted only a moment. I was blessed to witness it!

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“And let them first pray together, that so they may associate in peace.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict