When you wake up in the morning you never know what may happen that day. You never know for sure what the traffic or weather will be like. You may plan and plan, but you never know what will happen at work. You never know what will happen across the world or even with your family and friends. And, you never know when, where, and how God will come to you.
Do you think that St. Teresa of Calcutta woke up that morning in September 1946 thinking that while riding the train the trajectory of her whole life would change? Do you think that Simon and Andrew woke up that morning planning to meet and begin following an itinerant preacher, leaving their fishing nets behind? Do you think Mary planned that day to be talking to an angel?
Of course not! Most likely they did not wake up anticipating that they were going to have a major God-moment that day. We donโt know for sure what they were thinking or planning to do. But we can be sure that they were prayerful people, eager to listen to and obey God. Even though they did not know and understand everything that was going to happen to them that day, they were ready.
What about you? Even though you never know when, where, and how God will come to you, are you ready? Do you listen for Godโs voice when you pray? Are you attentive and responsive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit? Do you recognize Godโs actions in your life or how He communicates with you through others and the events of your day?
One way to prepare yourself for the gift of each day is to pray at the start of your day. By starting your day with prayer, offering your day to God, and asking for guidance you lay a good foundation to be ready for anything. Because, you never know!
Lord God, thank You for this day. I offer You all my thoughts, words, and actions. Help me to be attentive to You and navigate whatever comes my way, living in a way that is pleasing to You. May I never miss an opportunity to help others, witness to Your love, and give praise to You. I ask this in the Name of Jesus and through the Holy Spirit. Amen.