Sisters’ Trees

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Sisters’ Trees

Blessing the Apple Trees

On October 20, 2011, Sisters and friends gathered in the Monastery Garden Court for a ceremony to bless two newly planted Honeycrisp apple trees. These trees were donated to the Monastery by the Benedictine Health System Foundation and Janis Kivela Hooey. The trees honor the Foundation’s We Believe initiative which endeavors to seed Mission and Core Values efforts throughout the Benedictine Health System.Lowell Larson, president of the BHSF, and Janis Kivela Hooey, BHS Community Relations Manager, were present to explain the We Believe intiative and comment on the symbolism to be found with apple trees and the star-shaped center of their fruit.In a lovely synchronicity, it was discovered that some early Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery were also occupied almost exactly a hundred years ago in 1911 with planting trees.  The photo, which is available online at, shows that they dug holes with a pick axe for transplanting some trees for the front of their newly finished building, Tower Hall.

Sisters Planting Trees
The names of the Sisters in the left photo were not recorded; the Sisters in the right photo are Sister Mary Christa Kroening and Sister Theresa Splinler.

Posted in Happenings

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–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict