New Roman Missal Debut First Sunday of Advent

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New Roman Missal Debut First Sunday of Advent

New Roman Missal

November 27 is the day that Catholics will begin to use and hear the revised translations of prayers and responses from the third edition of the Roman Missal.  Even though there are changes, the basis of our liturgy is still the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy promulgated in 1963.  Liturgy of the Hours and the Eucharist is the heart and soul of our monastic way of life.  Liturgy informs, forms, and transforms.The work of the English translation from Latin began in 2002.  Pope John Paul II said that it would more closely match the Latin language used throughout church history.  The new translation exhibits a more formal style than we use in our regular conversation.  Many of the sentences we will be hearing are longer.  At first it may be a little more difficult to hear and to understand these words and phrases, but there will be a growing familiarity with the new translation.The introduction of the new translation has given an opportunity for many to deepen their understanding of the Eucharist and its meaning and importance in their lives.  Part of the parish homily has dealt with understanding the changes.  Bulletin inserts have  been provided.  Study groups have been made available.  Sister Jeanne Ann Weber, Director of Liturgy at St. Scholastica Monastery, gave two presentations to the Community on the changes, as well as presenting some of the theology and history of the Eucharist.One of the changes will be our response to:  The Lord be with you.  It will now be:  and with your Spirit, which has a richer and fuller meaning with Biblical allusions.  Some of the other changes in the translation of the common prayers are:  various parts of the Penitential act, the Gloria, the Creed, the Holy, Holy, Holy, the Mystery of Faith (acclamations), and the Invitation to Communion.The new translation is not perfect.  Some parts have been done very well, some not as well.  Translation from one language to another is not simple.  The Eucharist will still have the same parts, the same patterns, and the same flows as in the past several decades.  The Eucharist, the celebration of Christ’s death and resurrection – the Paschal Mystery – is the core of our life as Catholic Christians.

Posted in Happenings

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