Had She Not Heard

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Had She Not Heard

In the Gospel of Mark, we read about the healing of a woman who had been afflicted with hemorrhages for twelve years. A wonderful account of the power of Jesus. But in the story, we may miss a very important phrase, “she had heard about Jesus” (Mark 5:27a). Five simple words that mean so much. In fact, they make all the difference in the world to this woman. 

Had she not heard about Jesus, she would not have gone to see Him. Had she not heard about Jesus, she would not have believed that He could help her. Had she not heard about Jesus, she would not have reached out to touch Him. Had she not heard about Jesus, she would not have been healed. 

Do you tell others about Jesus? What do you say about Him? Do you ever share with others what Jesus means to you? Do you tell what He has done in your life? Do you talk about Jesus at all?

This story of the women with hemorrhages reminds us that we must talk about Jesus. How else will people hear? 

Photo credit: www.freepik.com


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