Getting There!

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Getting There!

Getting There!I had printed out the sheet of road directions.
I had gone to Google Maps and found the site.
Just in case . . . I took along three “real” paper maps.
     I was almost there!

The directions said to immediately turn right, which I dutifully did.  However, I ended up on a street that was totally unfamiliar to me.  Fortunately, there was a friendly attendant at a used car lot to help me. He said, “It’s simple!”  However, it wasn’t, but I did arrive on time for the meeting.

To make sure I would safely return home, I asked a local for directions.  This person wanted to know if I was going East or West.  I said “North!”  That confused the local but I knew what I was doing! 

That knowing soon turned into bewilderment and anxiety as I saw exits and suburbs that were not familiar to me.  I knew I needed to exit and backtrack, not a pleasant thought.  How providential when I saw a sign that said “35 E North.”  I knew this was a shortcut and would take me to Duluth, and to my home, the Monastery.  

Looking back at this experience, I reflected on the relative peace I felt.  I knew this grace was due to God’s faithfulness through the detours, ditches, exits, constructions zones, dead batteries, and flat tires of my life!  I was very grateful, but on my next trip I will also take the Community’s GPS.

May God’s Spirit always guide and protect you on the adventure of life with its joys and challenges!  





Sister Jeanne Ann Weber is Director of Liturgy. She has experience as a teacher, advocate for women and children, giving retreats and spiritual direction. And she has been a leadership team member of the Shalom Spiritual Direction Training Program at the Monastery.

Webmaster Note:  This blog was first published September 21, 2011.




Posted in Reflections, Uncategorized

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“And let them first pray together, that so they may associate in peace.”
–St. Benedict of Nursia, The Rule of Saint Benedict